Thursday, October 13, 2005

As a general rule, puns should be treated with great caution in headlines.

Monday, October 10, 2005

This was a fun page I was able to design. Note the use of white space -- important, I thought, in a design about the Antarctic.

This is the center spread for the Post-Herald's annual Home & garden section for 2005. It was a 14-page tabloid. I was the responsible for all aspects of the section, including design.

Me and my baby

Originally uploaded by Adam23.

Here is a sample of a home page that I shepherded from conception to publication.

Here is a sample of the Home section. I was the Home editor, and although the story and photos are from the wire, the design and execution is mine.
This is one page I designed. It won the Best of Scripps award for topics that drive readership in the first quarter of 2005.


Just trying to get it going.