Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wakarusa '06

We made it.
The Wakarusa weekend went so fast, it seemed like just a refreshing breeze.
Ticla, Claude and Zack made it to Springfield from Birmingham on Wednesday, and we headed out for Lawrence on Thursday morning.
We were supposed to pick up Eartha at the airport in Kansas City, but alas, she missed her flight. We thought we'd go to the festival, set up camp and then leave to get her in KC when she arrived on a later flight. Leaving, however, once we'd set up camp, proved to be impossible. So she was on her own. But Eartha is resourceful and resilient, and she made it to the festival on her own steam. And we had a blast.
We saw too many shows to list, but here are a few videos I found.
The day show (above) was Bela Fleck sitting in with Donna the Buffalo. I think you might be able to see my head bop up a few times, because I was right at the front.
The night show (below) is the encore for STS9, which we caught after Fleck and his Flecktones wrapped up on the neighboring stage. We were right next to the fire spinner in the video. He was endlessly amusing, as was the entire weekend.
So maybe y'all will come with us next year. You won't be sorry.

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